The Evolution of 7group

As we continually regenerate 7group our beliefs, philosophy and principles evolve. Here is the latest evolution of our thinking. The System we are seeking to Transform: Processes that develop the interactions between human world views, the built environment, and living systems.

As we continually regenerate 7group our beliefs, philosophy and principles evolve. Here is the latest evolution of our thinking.

The System we are seeking to Transform:

Processes that develop the interactions between human world views, the built environment, and living systems.

Belief:  “Humans are nature”

Processes for developing how humans create and inhabit built environments can regenerate life.

  • Human world views evolve through processes of exchange.
  • The built environment has the potential for regenerating life.
  • All life is sacred.

Philosophy:  Everyone plays a valuable role”

Use every project and interaction as an instrument for developing our own and others’ capacity to engage regenerative thinking/doing/being with caring and compassion.

Principles:  “The built environment serves as an instrument for regenerating life”

  • Develop regenerative thinking . . . by engaging people in regenerative processes that builds their capacities and capabilities. Everyone in the organization engages regenerative thinking in everything we do.
  • Make it real . . . regenerative frameworks must be grounded in reality to come alive.
  • Image potential . . . which emerges when seeing wholes, not working with fragments.
  • Everything is connected . . . and contributes to the whole through reciprocal interrelationships.
  • Be of service . . . to our clients and that which they seek to transform. Build systemic affectiveness in the way that we interact with everyone.
  • Give it time . . . to evolve and develop. Slowing the process regenerates the exchanges necessary for growth.
  • Beyond ourselves . . .people come alive and regenerate energy when contributing to the greater good by working on what they really care about.
  • Give it away . . . by sharing freely what we know and do not hold anything as proprietary. Give more than we take.
  • Manifest Essence . . . in our work. Each person and place is entirely unique.

What is it you seek to transform?

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